Welcome to Autolinked!

Welcome readers to @Autolinked.WordPress.com.

NOTIFICATION! Due to a long time of illness, I’ve lost strength and are unable to do my research and follow up with a blog every Sunday. This makes me very sad! But whenever I do feel some strength, I will do what I can, and post a blog. As I’ve done in the past, this last months. I do enjoy seeing, still, that there are new viewers and I still get likes for old posts as well. Thank you all, for your support in this trying time! I’m still not getting any better and the doctors are struggling with a diagnosis. I’ve lost 32 kg in weight in 12 weeks time and I’ve gotten a fever during this time, that will not go away. I’m very week and my muscles are hurting and I cough a lot and several times I’ve not been able to keep my food even, as I’ve vomited it all up, for no reason at all. I am very happy though, to see that there are so many that enjoys aquarium fishes and my blog at Autolinked and are interested in knowing more of what I write. Again, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart! END NOTIFICATION.

“Captain’s log of the year 2021”:

It’s been far too long since I’ve written anything at all in my blog.

I was on a good start but, life intervened. Sadly but that’s just how life goes.

Some don’t seem to have anything else going on in life then their blog or YouTube channel. They seem to have all the time in the world to make their blog or YouTube channel grow like crazy.

Well, I had that too. In the beginning. But then life intervened.

My biggest business sale ever got canceled because of a hostile takeover. And after the takeover, the new owner decided to sale off my client, in pieces, rather then make this business , affair grow to the largest in the World! Which it, honestly, would have been, I may add.

What can come of that then?

Oh right…the divorce!

Not a pretty one at that either. My ex wife tried to miss credit my in order to get custody of our children but the court didn’t believe her. Thank God!

So it came to that I had the children more then her after all because she said she felt so physiologically I’ll that she couldn’t handle everyday life.

And she wanted full custody?!

“Captain’s log of the year 2023”:

Today my kids are 22, 20 and 18 years old, so not really kids anymore, but still, they are my kids. They know the truth today about everything and we have a great relationship.

I’m so thankful and happy for that!

So now I thought to myself, “it’s time to get blogging again”. And I just love writing so much!

I hope you’ll enjoy my small inputs and that you’ll find it interesting here in my blog.

Have a great life and NEVER, loose your hope, that it will get better no matter where you are in your life at the moment!

“May the force be with you, always”.

P.S. If you want to see more blogs and more writing material, let me know in the comments if you’d like that and make a small donation, freely of course, then I can focus more on blogging then on my regular work. And also I’m a songwriter and I’ve written several songs to artist in the past and want to continue with that as well. Music, animals, making a good deal and cars are my passion.


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